When I went on my little excursion the other day in IG stories to find the marshmallow bin that I had passed up at the antique store, I had a lot of you ask for suggestions of places that you could find tins. I thought that I would throw a little post together of a bunch of vintage tins that I found online. Most of them are fairly good deals too. There are so many more where these came from. Just search “vintage tin” when you get to the site and a bunch will pop up. The more specific you are with your search the better…for instance, “vintage marshmallow tin”.
If you missed my stories, long story short… I went to the antique store and found a vintage marshmallow tin for $40. I thought, “there is no way I’m paying that”. Well, when I got home and re watched my stories, I realized how much I wanted it. I proceeded to look on Etsy and Ebay, only to find that most of the marshmallow tins were even more expensive that the one that I saw in the antique store. I then found one that someone was selling on Ebay, just right around the corner from the antique store that I was at. You guessed it…well, I’m guessing that that was the tin that I saw and that certain someone had grabbed it from the time I left the store till the time I got home, and marked it up $10, plus shipping. I messaged the seller and asked if I could pick it up to save myself the shipping. I went the next day and got it, in a not so nice part of town, and that is the end of it. And, I lived through it all! I popped into the same antique store on the way home to grab a sign that I couldn’t live without and found another marshmallow tin that I loved just as much. I’m happy to say that I am now the proud owner of 2 vintage marshmallow tins. Yes, I have problems.
And, lucky for you…there are quite a few vintage marshmallow tins that have been listed online since I looked the other day. I’m trying to hold myself back from that peanut butter pail. There are so many ways to use these cute things…planters, storage, home decor, etc. I put faux flowers in mine, as see in the photo above. Happy Shopping!
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