Hi Friends! I am so excited to offer you these free printables that I made from a pineapple photo of mine and my lavender in a bucket that I photographed. I hope you enjoy them! If you are on Instagram, please tag me in the write up and in the photo (so that I don’t miss them), I would love to share some on my stories if you end up printing them. I can’t wait to see how you use them.
Just tap the highlighted printed words above the photo below and download it to your computer and then you can print it in the size you desire. I printed mine at Office Max on card stock in size 11×17 and both photos combined were under $2.
Both of these photos are high resolution photos, which means you can print them in larger sizes too. I’ve printed my photos up to 20×24 size in the past and should be able to be printed larger too. At my Office Max, they offer card stock in up to 11×17 size and then larger sizes on photo paper that cost a bit more than the card stock. You can also print them at any other photo printing location or even on your own printer, if you desire.
Click or Tap Pineapple Printable
Remember that old rusty ice cream bucket that I found at the antique store? I thought $20 was a lot but I think it’s one of the best $20 that I’ve spent. I love this bucket so much and I know that a lot of you fell in love with it too when I found it in my IG stories. It’s been so useful for plants and I can’t wait to use if for a little Christmas tree this year!
Click or Tap Lavender Printable
I’ve had some of you ask me how I send the file to be printed. Checking what the photo shop requires is key to knowing how to get the file printed. Office Max allows me to email them the file or they also have a website that you can access and download your file to be printed. Most other printing places require you to download your file as well to have it printed. It all depends on where you will be getting it printed and what they require. There are lots of places that you can have photos printed, Walmart, Target, Office Max, Shutterfly, Wallgreens, etc…or even on your personal printer. I love the matte look on my photos, so I always choose the matte option over glossy.
Let me know in the comments below if you like me to do a tutorial later of how I made these prints out of photos that I had taken. They were so fun to make and there are so many possibilities. I would love to share it with all of you. Have a great day, friends!
Love the pictures and yes, I would love to see a tutorial on how you made these.
P.S. Just want you to know I REALLY enjoy your insta-stories! Following from Virginia Beach ????️
Thank you so much Katrina! I can’t wait to see how you use yours! So sweet of you! I bet the weather is beautiful there!
Would love love love the tutorial !
Awesome, Thanks, Elie!
Are these in black and white or color? I would love the lavender in color if available.
Hi Natalie! I’ve been following you on IG for a while now, love you so much! I just chalk painted a frame yesterday and when I saw your prints, I had to have the ice cream bucket with lavender one to add to it! Hopefully I’ll get that all put together today and I’ll post and tag you! THANK YOU so much for sharing all of your talent with us!
You are such a delight. Little do you realize how you, just being you, brightens many of our days and IM AT THE TOP OF THAT LIST.
Hi Natalie, its me again! I just wanted to let you know that I wrote a post about my chalk painted frame and YOUR free printable that I put in it and linked to you in my post. Thank you again for sharing your work with all of us and also thanks so much for the sweet shout out on IG too! HUGS! 🙂
Thank you so much Dee Dee!! That is so sweet of you!
That’s awesome! Thank you friend! Glad you printed it ❤️