If you were with me in Instagram stories, you will remember when I found this dresser in the trash pile at a thrift store. There was nothing wrong with it, besides the ugly paint color. I’m not sure why they intended to throw it away. It’s not the most expensive wood in the world, but the drawer fronts are all wood. The top and sides are plywood, but I didn’t mind. I was going to save this dresser from the trash monster no matter what. I had a couple ideas of how to make it alive again!

I started the process by using my hand sander to sand all of the drawers down to bare wood. I first used 60 grit sand paper to remove the paint and then smoothed the surface out by using 150 grit sandpaper.

The top and the sides were being a little more stubborn than the drawers when it came to letting go of the 3 layers of paint. I decided to try some furniture stripper. I applied it and covered it with plastic wrap to keep in the moisture. I left the first coat on for about 1-2 hours. There wasn’t much paint coming off after that. It was also leaving a horribly sticky mess. I’m thinking that some sort of adhesive might have been used in between one of the layers.

After I scraped off the first round of furniture stripper, I wiped it down with mineral spirits, hoping that would take off the sticky feel. It was still super sticky, even after using the mineral spirits, so I decided to add more furniture stripper and leave it sit overnight.

After I let it sit overnight, I went out the next morning and scraped off another couple layers. It took off most of the paint, even the yellowish layer that I thought it wasn’t going to remove.

I filled the holes on the fronts of the drawers with stainable wood filler and let it dry.

The drawer fronts were looking so good! I love the wood color that was under all of that paint!

Now, that I had everything sanded down to bare wood, it was time for the fun part…creating the look for the front of the dresser with stain. I wish I would have had some non toxic stain available, but I didn’t. I put a mask and gloves on and away I went. I used three different stain colors to get the look for the dresser drawer fronts.

I wanted it to look super old, so I started with some darker stain and made stain splashes here and there, drips, and markings on the drawer fronts, where I wanted the stain to stand out more. I then wiped on the lighter colors of stain. The three colors that I used were Minwax weathered oak, special walnut, and dark walnut. The wood would soak in the first color (dark walnut) of stain the most, leaving the blotches in the places where I wanted them.

I also used a smaller brush to stain inside the lines that had already been routed in the dresser drawer fronts. I wanted to have the look of an old apothecary cabinet, with lots of drawers. (it was a sunny day in the pic below and the one above it was cloudy, in case you were wondering about the coloring of the drawer fronts…it’s crazy what lighting does to photos)

I stained the top and sides of the dresser with one coat of special walnut and then a second coat of dark walnut. I didn’t use the dark walnut over the entire top, but tried to use it more on the edges and then lightly in the center to get a little variation in the stain color.
To make the top look a little more aged, I used hammers to make marks in the top of the dresser, before applying the second coat of stain. I pounded a couple of old rusty nails into the edges, to add some extra character.

By this time, the sun was going down, but I managed to snap a couple of pics of the front of the dresser, before I added the hardware.

I didn’t mind that the holes for the old hardware were still showing a little. They will be more hidden once the hardware is added.

This is the part of the process that I’m not as fond of. I don’t like measuring and I get really impatient when doing so. I made a template that I could use to make this process of adding 48 pulls and label holders go a little faster, if that was possible.

My sweet hubs was so kind to help me with this process. We noticed that the drawer fronts had been routed a little differently in some places, so we made sure to measure from the top on each one as we drilled. Having them marked off with the template made it easier to have an approximate for each hole that we needed for the fronts.

After we had all of the holes drilled for the label holders and the pulls that I had rusted, I attached each one to each drawer. Wow, this process was long and enduring…and my body was agreeing with that too. If you missed the post where I talked about how I rusted the brand new hardware, I will add it here. The result was amazing! I want to rust all of the things now! Below is a little before and after photo.

Here is one more look at the “BEFORE”. I even attached a screen shot of the video where I asked if I should take the dresser from the trash. If you voted no, will the “after” change your mind?

It was pretty yuck, before all of the changes.

I love the way it turned out and I’m amazed at the change! I’ve always wanted an old apothecary cabinet, but every time I see one for sale, they are always $800-$5000. I’m so glad that I found a way to get an old apothecary cabinet/card catalog look for under $100!

I believe I paid around $75-$100 for supplies and hardware. My initial thought was to add wood to the entire outside of the dresser to make it have an apothecary look, but when I thought more about it, I realized that I could just use the existing routed lines on the drawer fronts to give a look of many drawers. I bought the hardware at a thrift store, thinking it would be enough, but when I decided to keep the existing routed lines for the drawers, there were going to be more drawers than hardware that I had. I searched online for some that were the same and happened to find the exact ones on Amazon! Yay!

48 handles and label holders later….Chester is tired too! I love how this amazing horse photo from my friend, Christine at Shutter Tree Photos, looks on top of the dresser!

I made some antique paper to put into the label holders. I even left some of the paper in it’s ripped up state to make it look more aged. Then to give some extra aged character, I did not put the labels into every holder. I also left them without any actual labels to make it less busy. I thought it might be kind of neat to eventually get a number stamp and stamp some faded small numbers into the corners of the papers that are in the label holders.

I was nervous to add the stain because I thought that it might not turn out to be the exact stain color that I wanted, but it ended up being exactly what I was going for.

It’s similar to a lot of the other wood tones in my house and that’s what I was hoping for! I don’t need it to be “matchy matchy”, but I was wanting something in the same stain color family.

I would love to hear if this is the route that you thought I would take with the dresser. It was an exhausting process, but I’m so happy with the way it turned out! Thank goodness for dressers in the trash!

Source List:
Large Horse Photo: Shutter Tree Photos
DIY Rusted Hardware And Label Holders
Old Pottery: Etsy, Local Thrift Stores, Antique Shops
Frame: Thrift Store (painted with Dove White Benjamin Moore)
*Affiliate links are used in this post.
No, this is not the direction I thought you were going. And I LOVE it so much! Great job!!
Wow..Amazing…You cant keep a determined woman down…I love all your old, antique looking ideas..from the handles to the papers…Awesome!!!
I have left some pieces in some stores that look ratty or curbside.I have say it’s my hubby that usually discourages me…why do you want that??? I will be more diligent…☺️
Lorri, love your name! I had no clue she’d make that dresser look so amazing! It looks great!
OMG! I absolutely LOVE this. It might be my favorite project to date! All your hard work (and Chesters) but it was worth it! It just beautiful!
Wanda Ann ♥️
WOW! You are genius…this transformation looks wonderful!
WowWowWow..An absolutely stunning piece, adore it..I think maybe it’s my favourite of yours..????
And I loved swiping up and reading your blog post..
Holy cow! What an incredible transformation! I love it!!
I for one, voted yes and I’m so glad I did! This, by far, is one of THE most brilliant pieces you’ve recreated to date. Every step, every process (even every complaint) has been well worth the finished end result. I just have one Q tho: “What was it you were waiting to arrive before the piece was FIN?”
Truly a Proverbs 31 woman and wife. What a blessing to have been a wee part of this intriguing episode of My Vintage Porch!!! >>}}}•>
Wow.. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL… I havr been waiting a long time to ( swipe up ) lol. and see the final reveal ????
Wow! Wow! WOW!!! It it turned out gorgeous. You have so much talent, Natalie! I wouldn’t mind swiping up a thousand times to see your work.
Wow Girl!!!! This is amazing. You are so good with wood. I love all the different types of finishes so much.
This is so awesome!!
????????????. You NEVER cease to amaze me!!! You should sell pieces, because I would TOTALLY buy pieces you refinish!! I don’t think you have ever done anything I didn’t love!!!
This is awesome Natalie! Unbelievably beautiful!
I absolutely love this piece! You could turn anything into a treasure!!
Oh my gosh my mouth actually dropped open. This is like only the greatest transformation I’ve ever seen.????????????????heart eyes for days!
You have such an amazing eye for repurposing and recreating things. Your work is fabulous and I love your style so much!
I voted yes to grab it knowing your skills would turn into something beautiful, I absolutely love it!!
Natalie! This is so gorgeous! Glad you didn’t give up on it, I love it!!
All that work…it definitely is worth $700.00!!
So glad you got it from the trash, wish I had your creativity!
That’s looks amazing. Really thought it was so ugly before but of course you turned it into something amazingly beautiful!
Flipping amazing! ????
Wow! That’s an amazing transformation! Definitely not mid-century modern anymore! Well done!
This is absolutely amazing!!!! So good, I love it
Not in my wildest dreams could I come up with this! This is amazing! And BTW I wouldn’t find anything if you didn’t let me swipe up! It’s the easiest thing and I don’t hafta go lookin! Thanks for all you do here on IG you never disappoint!
I can’t believe you made me swipe up! But thanks! Cuz it was totally worth it! 😉
???? Beautiful!
Amazing cabinet transformation!
Omg that is sooooo gooood!!! Totally worth the swipe up lol
You definitely have an eye for fixing up some real ugly pieces.
Thank you, Mary! And, thank you for swiping up, lol
Wow!! How stunning! I did not “see” apothecary chest at all before. Love your creative vision!!
WoWzers!!!! You amaze me. Much much better than that mid century modern look – haha!!!
I love it! So good. I’m getting that rust paint!!
I wonder what the ‘its mid century’ person is thinking now! Lol
WOW!!! I cannot get over the difference. It’s absolutely gorgeous.
Amazing! I never dreamed it would look as great as it does. You are awesome at what you do!
I can not even believe this turned out so beautiful!! I voted NO! ???? I am ashamed! ???? amazing job!!
Oh my goodness! I was a doubter, and firmly believed you should have left it there. I will never doubt your vision again. This is magical! Well done!
I’m so happy I swiped up. It’s absolutely stunning. And nope. Not at all what I thought it was going to look like 🙂
You did an awesome job!! I love it!
Unbelievable! Absolutely beautiful!
I love how you totally transformed it! Amazing!
Ah-maz-ing!!!!! It’s spectacular girl, you outdid yourself this time!
Thank you so much, Brenda! It was worth all of the sweat!
I kind of guessed it was going to have this look after I saw the hardware, but I never imagined it being so beautiful!! Way to go! I also admire your get stuff done attitude. I am stripping a huge dresser (in my living room) and it’s been 3 weeks and I’m still not done. ????
Stripping is the worst! I don’t envy you! Thank you, Jeannine!
All I can say is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!!
You certainly have an eye for treasures!!!! I love it, Natalie!!!
Thank you sweet Abby! So kind of you!
Your creative talent just amazes me! That dresser doesn’t look anything like it did before.
Thank you so much, Tricia! I’m so glad it doesn’t look the same!
You are the definition of creative! Who in the world would think to do all that I’m just a week! So so so pretty and cool! I appreciate the tutorial on blogs. I seriously had no idea:) but I love swiping:)
Outstanding! I want it!!!
lol, thank you!! Aren’t these types of apothecary cabinets so cool!
Omg! You must be some kind of secret wizard. You did wonders to that dresser and completely transformed it. It looks so dreamy!
Aw thank you! I can’t believe the wood turned out as good as it did!
I just said out loud “WHAT?! Well, that’s f*^#ing adorable!” You did an amazing job. I would’ve never in a million years come up with something even remotely close to that. Wow, just wow! Xoxo
lol, I love that you love it too! Thank you so much!
Holy smokes!!! I’m beyond impressed…not just for all the work you out into it, but also that you had the vision to pull it off. Seeing the potential in things is such a struggle for me. Well done!!
PS…I luuurve the swipe up to blogs. Your IG Stories are a hoot, but I’m a reader and appreciate being able to come back to blog posts as needed. Go blogs!!! ????
Sweet! Thank you, Tamara! I love how blogs offer information that remains for people to come back to as well! Thank you for saying that!
You are so inspirational! This turned out just awesome! I have also been looking for one of these, and had no idea, you would or could do this with this dresser!! Just amazing!
Love how the drawers were already routed that way! Made it a little easier on me! Thank you, Kris!
Holy Moly! I knew it was going to be incredible!
I voted yes to get it because I wanted to know what you would do with it because I thought it was terrible. I am in love with the results. It is gorgeous and I love apothecary tables too! I too love the swipes up to your blog to see the process! It’s fascinating !!
I was one who thought you should leave the dresser on the curb…but when I saw that you nabbed it, I was like “of course! She’s a stinking genius!” And I knew that’s what you’d do. However, my jaw dropped when I saw the final product…way more beautiful than I ever thought it would turn out!
Thank you so much, Tanya! I’m glad that stripping the paint process is all finished…for a while there, I kind of wanted to throw it back in the trash, lol.
I just love your talent! This turned out absolutely amazingly. I surely swiped up!! ????????
I’m glad you swiped up to see the result! Thank you!
Your mind is amazing! I’m in love with this transformation!
Thank you so much sweet, Maggie!
Fabulous!!!!! Also, I believe that people are not happy with their own lives so they need to comment on EVERYTHING!!! They have no regard for other peoples feelings, etc. Basically, they are all jealous!! Growing up my mom always told me you can’t please everyone and at the end of the day when you look in mirror and you like the person looking back, you are a good person. Keep up the good work and keep healthy.
such a wise statement from your mom, Lynn! Thanks for sharing! I love that!
I am absolutely in tears at how beautiful this turned out from the time you picked those little handles up at the OPT To you dribbling the stain in your stories on Instagram. it is completely amazing I am and awe
Thank you so much, Kristyn! I love that you followed along the whole process!
Honestly Natalie, I am speechless. This is my favorite thing I have seen you create and my fav thing in your house now. It is truly spectacular. I bow before you Queen!!
haha, now that is one sweet comment! Thank you, Anna-Marie! You made my day!
Wow! To see that in the trash and be able to picture it completely different!!! That is an amazing talent to have! God has blessed you. Also, I totally understand why you have us swipe up on Instagram, and I am obviously willing to do it! 😉
Thank you for your love and support, Andrea! It means a lot to me!
Thank you, Lucille!
NATALIE!!!!! I would offer you a billion dollars if I had it ???? I mean wowzers!! I cant even….???????????????? ok, I think you know I love it. I’m in awe.
I love that Melissa! Thank you! I might take a billion dollars for it, lol
Natalie you never cease to amaze me! This is fabulous!
You are so sweet, Donna!
I had no idea it could turn out like this! It’s fantastic!
Also, it drives me nuts that people use the anonymity of the Internet to say things to people that are just rude and mean.
Thank you so much, Peggy! I’m so happy with the result! I think sometimes people just speak before they know they whole story.
I voted yes to get it from the trash. Firm believer in taking advantage of free stuff. I had no idea where you would take this, but, as always, you outdid yourself. I love this. Always wanted one myself.
SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!?! That is crazy beautiful. did NOT think that was the direction you were going in! I love it so much!
This is amazing!!! I wish you could come teach me how to repurpose and create such awesome pieces of furniture!! You have the best style!
The dresser is AMAZING! I just cannot believe the end product! You have such gifts and talents! The vision you have for your pieces is unbelievable! Thanks for sharing!!
Wow! It’s amazing! You have such good ideas for creating all the little details!
Holy honk!!! You are amazing, girl! I don’t know where you get your visions for projects, but this one takes the cake. In my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have guessed what you were up to. This is gorgeous, and so worth the wait (not to mention the swipe!) Kudos!!
Talent beyond your years. Your work is stunning.God has blessed you with an abundance of ability♥️
The results are amazing and worth the wait, Great Job Natalie!!!
This is like slap your momma amazing…I mean don’t really slap a mom I’m just… never mind it’s just beautiful ❤️
Omg, it actually took my breath away, I’ve always wanted a chest like that. How do you know it was good wood under all that ugly paint? You got talent girl ❤️
Hooo-leee crap! Are you kidding me?! Unbelievable. That is truly incredible. I can’t quit zooming and staring! You, my dear, are so inspiring and so dang talented. You have such an amazing gift. Definitely my most favorite project of yours to date. You are a true gem and the most real, genuine person there is on IG. I will forever swipe up for you! ????????
You have great vision!! I think it turned out so amazing.
It turned out so well! Love seeing you put your vision into action. Those rusted handles are a fun accent. I love rusting things too!
Wow, your vision is amazing. Beautiful work.
I can’t stop looking at the final result, it’s absolutely beautiful
My mind is blown to bits! You have such a gift for seeing the potential in everything.
Oh my gosh!!! I was SO not expecting that and I’m totally obsessed. Where do I find my own ugly dresser in need of a makeover? ????
Oh my WOW! That is amazing!!! I will be saving this tutorial for when I find a dresser like this ????
I was one of the people that voted “it was junk.” I have never been more wrong and now I wish could find an “ugly” dresser. You never cease to amaze me.
Wow you have so much talent!!!
I always enjoy following your projects! Your artistic creativity at work is amazing and inspiring!
Omg. This is not what I expected it is a million times better. And lemmie tell u I had HIGH expectations :))))
Wow!!! I was not expecting it to look like that! So so amazing!! You are amazing!
I am not believing this! I thought you were crazy!!! This is amazing. I am truly at a loss for words. What an inspiration you are.
Holy moly I can’t even believe that is the same dresser! You are so talented. It looks amazing!!
Wow, that is awesome. Wish I had your vision for decor.
I am so impressed. It is amazing the vision that you had for this dresser that the thrift store considered to be garbage. You turned it into a masterpiece. I sure wish I had your vision and adventuresome spirit to do such wonderful works of art. You have a fantastic gift from God and I thank you for sharing it with us all—we are privileged to see what you create.
OMG! That came out amazing! I had no idea of what it would look like! You’re time and effort paid off!
Just what? This is amazing! I’m so jealous! Way to go woman!
Happy to have been in the ‘take it’ camp but couldn’t imagine it could be that amazing! ???? You knocked it out of the park (as always)! Loved the side tutorials that came along with it too. That sweet dresser went a long way in content and so fun to watch all the way! Thank you! ❤️
Your vision for transforming furniture is amazing! It looks like a million bucks!
I love how you can make something you found in the trash to something so beautiful. I LOVE IT!
That is unreal!! It is phenomenal!!! Thanks for sharing, and giving us the opportunity to learn the whole process by swiping up to your blog! Lol!! Love following you on the gram!
You did it again! You absolutely amaze me at your vision for seeing and making something incredible from “trash.” It’s perfect. On a side note, I’ve been using the block option lately. You keep being you!
You are a visionary! I can hardly believe you saw what it could be except I’ve seen you do it before so I should have believed you could make it beautiful!
Oh wow! You did an absolutely beautiful job on that piece of furniture. Just beautiful!
This is AMAZING! I am so impressed and I awe! Love your posts!
Wow what a translation. Your so flipping inspiring. Thanks for sharing the details of this transformation.
Ahh I knew it! The moment I saw those lines in each drawer, I knew you’d make it into an apothecary cabinet! I LOVE how it turned out!!!
Amazing! I admire your ability to look at a piece and imagine what it could be. I never anticipated that you’d do this with it. Now I want one!
This is AMAZING!! Never would have thought it could look like this, great job!!
Amazing. You have a great eye and ideas and skills!
You are flipping Ah-mazing!! I would have never looked at that piece and seen that in it. Soo good!!
Absolutely WOW!!! Just wow!!!! ❤️
Totally wasn’t expecting that, what a great job! It’s gorgeous
SO. ABSOLUTELY. BEAUTIFUL!!! You are amazing! Keep up the great work and I will continue to swipe up???? Love ya!!!
You are truly AMAZING!! I watch your videos all the time! You’ve got my kind of sense of humor and love for older looking things! I couldn’t believe you MADE me swipe up!!! Lolol! But in all honesty that dresser went from trash to treasure for surely! But I have a question? I didn’t get to see how you did the front bc I was away and missed it! Can you tell me how you created the little drawers on the front? I saw you wrote in supplies flooring. Did you use it to put on the cin the front and somehow make cuts to look like little drawers? I want to try this! Please explain it
If you would or send me a link to click on to watch it or read it please! Thank you so much!!! Thank you for being YOU!!!! You are my favorite!!! Xoxo love ya!
Oh wow! So, so, so great!
Omg this is an absolutely stunning unexpected transformation. Congratulations it’s a beauty!!!
Wow! You did an awesome job! And I was one of the nay sayers! Now wishing it was right over there ( in my home)! ????
Glad I “swiped up” ????????????????????????????????
Holy smokes! I would have never seen your vision, in fact I’m pretty sure I gave it a ???????? I’m ashamed to say. What a visionary you are, I’m learning so much from you. Oh I checked out your staircase re-do, I was considering doing the same…..oh heck no, not now thank you!
I swiped!! I love the dresser! Looks amazing!!!! You’re amazing! My anxiety has gone down now that I’ve seen it! Lol
Wow! I can’t stop scrolling back from the before to after, what a difference!! You truly have a gift for turning trash to treasures.
Keep the swipes coming!
Natalie – the dresser is fantastic. Oh my word!!! I’m in love!!!!!!!
That was not at all the direction I thought this project was going. It turned out amazing.
Commenting to show my support for all the time you put in. Trial and error and showing us the behind the scenes process with glimpses of your family. The time it takes to swipe and scroll to see the after is so small compared to what you put into every project. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Obsessed!!!! This has got my creative gears turning away now!
Wow wow wow one ugly duckling made into a beautiful swan! Girl you had some AMAZING talent. I’m always amazed what you can do with a piece. Your home is gorgeous. You seem to have the sweetest family and loving husband and I’m so happy for you. I love everything, you have that magical touch, whatever you touch turns into something everyone want(even if we don’t have a place to put it)(lol). Girl you Should open your own little shop…thanks for always sharing all your hard work. I love rust details they just put the finishing touch on this wonderful piece. Thank you for Always sharing & the swipe ups ????
It turned out so good! I refinish furniture too and I saw your vision for that piece but I’ll admit it turned out so much better than my expectations! The process for the aging of the hardware is such a terrific tip and I think added so much to it! Thank you so much for sharing this project and all the others. You are such an inspiration!
I am so not gonna lie, I didn’t want you to get the dresser it was horrible looking. Wow, wow, wow! If I remember you’ve been looking for a piece like this for a while and it’s amazing congrats on how it turned out you did a wonderful job I’m so jealous you have it in your house.
Jolly good job !!!! I love it !! I’m going to start looking at garbage in the alley’s 🙂
The dresser looks 100 times better !
Wow!!! You never cease to amaze me!! I really wasn’t sure where you were going with this and as soon as I started going through your blog … YES!!! She got her apothecary cabinet!!! You did amazing, the dresser is amazing and you are amazing!! I will swipe up for all your blogs! Hugs to you!! Love this ????
I am SO impressed, this is beautiful!!!
What a treasure it looks great.
You nailed it, just like every other project you’ve done. I love this SO much! I had no idea what direction you were going with it, but you hit it out of the park! If I didn’t know, I would think this was an authentic apothecary cabinet.
Girl this is STUNNING! Now I’m on the hunt for an ugly dresser since I have to do everything you do????! Love ya!
Totally gorgeous!! You have amazing vision to see the beautiful potential in an old ugly piece of junk.
Wow! Totally not what I was expecting, but it’s brilliant! And beautiful! You really have the eye for turning trash into treasure.
Beautiful! I love your vision, it’s a great gift!!
This is so beautiful! You have such a vision and talent. Thank you for all you share and all you do.
Holy cow!! It’s amazing!
All your projects are amazing but this one is over the top WOW!!! This is a perfect example of trash to treasure!!! I love it!!!!
WOW! I cannot believe the transformation of that dumpster dresser ???? You are amazing and very talented at what you do, keep it up
I absolutely love this! Your talent and vision is inspiring!
Natalie, there are many reasons why I follow you, love your content with your family and sweet Chester, but your vision and talent with your projects remain my favorite part of your blog. Absolutely incredible job on that ‘piece of trash’ ????
NO WAY. This sounds so mean probably, but every time i think “ehh i don’t know that ones pretty ugly, not sure this ones going to turn out how I like it” And every time i realize how selfish and small minded i am. Ha! You have such an incredible vision for these pieces. What a gift. The Lord has surely blessed you!
Say what????????? Natalie……this is insanely beautiful. I love it so much!
Wow! That piece is amazing, you definitely have amazing talent to see that dresser and think to make it into what it transformed into. I love your projects!!
What?!! I can’t believe this is the same piece! It looks awesome.
I’m speechless….
So pretty! I love it!
Oh my goodness! How gorgeous! Natalie, you have such an amazing creativity. The bonus of this not actually being an apothecary cabinet is the drawers are a size to actually store most things (instead of 48 tiny drawers). But, you could have fooled me – your staining technique is mind blowing. Thanks for the inspiration!
Love!!! So worth the wait. I’m learning so much from you Natalie!
Get the heck out !!! Freaking amazing !!!!
Honestly your ability to have such a creative vision for pieces like this is what blows me away!! Love it!
This is so beautiful ????!I absolutely love it you are amazing at what you do!
I LOVE it!!! You did exactly, down to the paper tags, exactly what I told my Husband I would do. The different stains to bring age and depth couldn’t be anymore perfect. My Hubby said, “That came out great and what a huge difference!” I absolutely agree. You inspire… It’s beautiful! You took someone’s trash and gave it new life. It’s perfect!
Wowie!! You have such a creative mind!! I would have never been able to see the end result when looking at the dresser as you found it. So flippin cool! Great job!
It looks so great!!! This is my first blog comment! Solidarity from the comments on your IG. We’re here for you-❤️
Had no idea what you were going to do with it, but knew you would make it awesome, but this is amazingly awesome!! You continue to ahh us!
Well worth a “swipe up” and more ! Thanks for all your inspiration!
It is amazing! I wish I had your vision for these recreations. What a treasure you have now! Thanks for sharing.
The progress pictures are perfect and it’s still so crazy to believe you could take the starting piece of furniture and turn it into such a gorgeous work of art! The attention to detail with stains, aging the hardware and labels are next level. Thank you for sharing your awesomeness!!
Oh my gosh this dresser is fantastic! Your vision floors me! I mean look what you did with that dresser, I just love it!
WOW!!! It’s amazing. And i voted junk…what the heck do I know. Lol. Such beautiful creativity. And I didn’t mind swiping up. ????
It’s so dang good Natalie! My thumbs will forever bleed for swiping up on your blogs but I don’t care! Yes woman!
NATALIE!!! This Is so gorg!!! You always make everything so Beautiful! Even trash. Thanks for sharing this!
What an amazing gift from our Lord you have been given!!! Its a beautiful picture of the restoration process. I love all the pieces you’ve shown in your home. I love to draw and would so love to be able to use it on walls and furniture.
Wow!! Is all I can say… I had no idea that hideous dresser could look so stink in’ cool!!! You really have a talent and your vision is amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us!
OMGosh!! LOVE this!!!! You are so talented! This is exactly what I’m looking for but buying one that already looks like that is so expensive. I’m so not a DIYer, but I may have to try this.
Wow, just wow…. your talent is amazing, well done!!!
I am completely fascinated by your vision and ability to see the possibility in this dresser. Wow!!! Amazing!! My vision was stuck in that 1970 version, lol. I have shared this blog absolutely fascinating!! Well done!!!
Unbelievable what you can do !! I see things like this, too, for free or for very little on FB marketplace, and I always have great visions ….. but when it comes to actually DOING it, that’s often a different story :(. I need some of your motivation ! What a beautiful piece this is now … wow.
Oh my goodness!!! You are a furniture genius….again and again!! It’s is amazing!
One of my favorite transformations! I couldn’t see it at the beginning but it has perfect lines for an apothecary piece. You did such a great job with hardware too. I’d buy this piece in a heart beat!
I seriously gasped out loud when I saw the end result!! Incredible work! Just wow! ( I was one of the 56% LOL!)
You certainly have an “eye”
Not everyone could have pulled this off. Very nice job.
This looks amazing. Totally different then the original.
I can’t believe this is the same dresser!! Looks amazing!
Wow that is amazing. Not only do you have great vision you have the skills to pull it off. I don’t have the words to even say how much I love it.
My favorite piece you’ve done yet!! Amazing????????. Now please sell it to me I live in phx and will drive down to Tucson tomorrow ????
WOW!! It looks soooo good! I was one of the people who said it was trash but you definitely changed my mind. I love it! Great job Natalie!
Wow! Just WOW!! And… you rock!
Wowww!! I never would have guessed that this is how it would turn out. It’s so so beautiful. You are so gifted.. truly. ????
I can’t believe that’s the same dresser! Looks fabulous and I love the hardware. You are amazing!
This is incredible. You are so talent
PNWFarmhouseDesignCo FarmhouseDesignCo
I LOVE this so much. I am going to look for a smaller piece and try the staining technique. I have used nails and bolts in a sock and hit the wood and it makes “worm” looking nicks and holes. You are my FAVORITE story to follow on Instagram. You are truly an inspiration. A beautiful person inside and out. Thanks for sharing ????????????
This turned out AMAZING! I absolutely love the way it looks. Great job!!
BEAUTIFUL… Wow, great job, complete transformation. Love all the handles and tabs.. o love your eye for projects.????????????
Love the way you changed the entire look of this dresser! On a side note I’m now wearing a finger splint after swiping up????.
GURL…WOWIE!!! Amazing job and loved how you made a something outta a nothing! You have a great insight and an eye for all the things! Bravo ????????????????????????????????
Wow wow wow!! This piece is beyond amazing Natalie.. I’m blown away by your talent! ???? Thanks for the inspiration as always. You ROCK! xo
It looks beautiful! Wow, so glad you could see the potential in this piece!
Natalie!!! This is amazing!! It came out so good! I just saw you posted on the gram, so I had to see the after, but after work (or maybe at my desk later, hahha) I am reading all the steps so I can take things out of the trash and turn them into masterpieces too! Xxooxox